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  • Leo Daily Horoscope

    Sunday, August 13, 2023

    You may feel as if someone or something has just reformatted your hard drive, Leo. Suddenly things are running much more smoothly. The key now is to find the discipline and organization to understand this new system fully. Streamline your thoughts and be more efficient about how you use your energy. You'll be more effective overall if you can keep from scattering your resources.


    Lucky Number:- 1

    Lucky Color:- Orange and Gold

    Remedy:- To increase happiness in the family, hang cream or white or pastel coloured curtains at home.

  • Leo Weekly Horoscope

    Apr 17, 2023 - Apr 23, 2023 - It’s time to spread your wings and go on an adventure during the Aries solar eclipse on Wednesday. With the new moon in your expansion zone, you’re open to new adventures and gaining a new understanding of important issues even if it changes your views. Discoveries lead you down a new path.

    You’re also making grand plans when it comes to your future as the sun enters Taurus on Thursday, moving into your career zone. Your ambitions make you more responsible as you seriously think about what you want to achieve. Baby steps, Leo.

    Especially since your reputation could be in harm’s way as Mercury turns retrograde in your public image zone on Friday. You could have a major case of foot-in-mouth disease over the next few weeks as everything you say publicly comes out wrong. Avoid job interviews, resumes, and public events. Create a new strategy.

  • Leo Monthly Horoscope

    April 2023

    Opportunities and experiences you’ve been wishing for might suddenly land in your lap this month, dear Leo, as Aries season surrounds you with luck and cosmic sparkle. Be sure to work with positive mantras and radical self-love on April 5, working with the harmonious energy of the Libra full moon.

    Look for ways to expand your beliefs when the sun aligns with Jupiter on the eleventh, asking you to go beyond what you know in order to understand the world and yourself with a newfound sense of clarity. This celestial union is an extremely auspicious time for you, marking the perfect occasion to do a bit of meditation and manifestation work.

    Aries season goes out with a bang during the solar eclipse on April 19, bringing forth intense moments of enlightenment. Pay attention to your thoughts, taking care to maintain a positive and optimistic disposition. This astrological event is poised to elevate your intuition as well, making it important that you ground yourself and find ways to shield your aura before starting the day. If it has been a while since you carried crystals, worked with candles, or embraced meditation, now would be the time to get back on board.

    You’ll sense a shift as Taurus season debuts on the twentieth, putting you in a more serious and pragmatic headspace. Your focus will be directed toward financial and professional success throughout the coming weeks, though patience will be an important quality to strive for. While it’s true that you’re cosmically aligned for some upgrades to your career and bank account, you’ll need to plant a few seeds before harvesting such rewards.

    Standout days: 1, 24, 25
    Challenging days: 13, 27, 28

  • Leo Yearly Horoscope

    Leo natives should expect a mixed bag of outcomes from this year, according to their Leo horoscope for 2023. The beginning of the year might not be very favorable, however, as the year begins to progress, the natives will start to attain positive results. Saturn is residing in your sixth house at the start of the year and will form Shatru Hanta Yoga, which will help you become strong and not let your enemies defeat you. However, Jupiter's presence in the eighth house will make you strong religiously while also causing financial issues. Your zodiac lord the Sun, who is in the fifth house at the start of the year will also ensure that you have excellent financial status and that you are able to make significant academic advancements. However, the Budhaditya Yoga, which is formed by the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury, will provide you with knowledge and guidance. You will be considered a good student.

    2023 forecast reveals that the month of April will be crucial for Leos because Jupiter, the lord of the fifth house, who was present in the eighth house will move into your ninth house on April 22. This will bring wealth and any type of ancestor property. Though you should postpone making any significant decisions for a while due to Rahu-Jupiter's Chandal Yoga. Avoid doing any major job between May and August; otherwise something might go wrong. Beginning in August, your planetary transit will progressively move toward compatibility and bring you success. You will be able to create effective preparations related to your future during October-November, and on October 30, when Rahu enters the eighth house and Jupiter is the only planet in the ninth house, you will have the opportunity to make the whole of your religious journeys. However, Rahu in the eighth house has the potential to bring about unforeseen financial loss, emotional distress, or physical harm, so proceed with caution.



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