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  • Aquarius Daily Horoscope

    Sunday, August 13, 2023

    The thing you dread the most could be the very thing you need the most in your life, Aquarius. You're at a point right now when the lessons that come might be hard to swallow, but they're necessary. Don't try to resist what you know you must face. Approach things with courage instead of fear and you can conquer anything. Once you climb the mountain, the rest is downhill.


    Lucky Number:- 8

    Lucky Color:- Black and Blue

    Remedy:- Maintain good values and character and add happy moments to your family life.

  • Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

    Apr 17, 2023 - Apr 23, 2023 - Get ready to jump headfirst into any scheme you have going on during the Aries solar eclipse in your communication zone on Wednesday. This is a great time to take a short trip, speak out loud, and communicate your big ideas. Let your bold thoughts bloom, Aquarius.

    Home is where your heart is when the sun enters Taurus on Thursday, moving into your home zone. You’ll have a deep urge to nest as you practice self-care in the comfort of your own space. Think about how to create a stable family environment and plant your roots so you can grow.

    However, developing a strong foundation could be a struggle when Mercury turns retrograde in your home zone on Friday. There’s a strong possibility of losing key emotional support from family and being in the middle of some unnecessary drama. Slow down and assess what home truly means to you.

  • Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

    April 2023

    Your attention is a hot commodity right now, dear Aquarius, because four celestial bodies move through fiery Aries and the sector of your chart that governs communication. You can expect to see an increase in emails, text messages, and DMs, though you’ll want to pace yourself as the social butterfly that lives within spreads its wings. The impulsive nature of this cosmic climate could cause you to become distracted or overstimulated more easily than usual, and it will be important that you check in with your body and breath throughout each day if you’re to avoid feeling stressed.

    Luckily, you’ll find that it’s easier to remain in the present once Mercury enters Taurus on April 3, though you’ll likely require more downtime at home between professional and leisurely engagements.

    Prepare yourself for an evening of magick, mysticism, and meditation when the Libra full moon illuminates your solar ninth house on the fifth. This astrological event can heighten your intuition and accentuate the importance of spirituality, so be sure to carve out plenty of time for your preferred religious practice.

    Bombshells could drop during the Aries solar eclipse on April 19, and juicy gossip could change the way you perceive certain people or situations.

    You’ll begin to slow down once the sun enters Taurus on the twentieth, beckoning you toward the comforts of home. You’ll feel more emotional and perhaps more tired than usual as the stars ask you to focus on restoring and self-nurturing. However, these vibes will also inspire you to take better care of the ones you love, especially if you’ve been neglecting important connections.

    Standout days: 11, 24, 29
    Challenging days: 14, 21, 28

  • Aquarius Yearly Horoscope

    Aquarius Horoscope 2023 says that this year will bring about new sweets of progress for Aquarius natives. In the beginning of the year, you can avoid issues and keep an eye on your expenses, but on January 17, the ruling lord of your zodiac, Saturn, will enter your sign which will bring you favorable outcomes. You will also have connections with foreign trade and good foreign contacts. You will work in the sphere of work by maintaining discipline, new business agreements will be made, and you will meet new individuals who will expand your clientele. You will make a significant move and work to maintain self-control in order to reduce the stress in your marriage.

    During the month of April, Jupiter will move into your third house. Your siblings might experience physical difficulties and you could face challenges in other areas but as your courage and strength grow, there will be more opportunities for short-distance travel and some religious travel. These journeys will bring calmness and relaxation and take away your mental stress. Between April and May, there will be an improvement in family harmony, a chance to get a new vehicle, a drop in expenses, and a sound financial situation. In the last few days of the year, due to the entry of Rahu in the second house on 30 October, there could be some problems in your home.



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