• Capricon Daily Horoscope

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  • Capricon Daily Horoscope

    Sunday, August 13, 2023

    Your thinking may have emotional overtones that prevent you from seeing the truth clearly, Capricorn. Do your best to tame your feelings in order to let more rational thoughts rise to the surface. There's a stability that comes when you honor your emotions from a detached perspective instead of immediately taking action in response to how you feel. Think about this as you engage with others.


    Lucky Number:- 1

    Lucky Color:- Orange and Gold

    Remedy:- Improve your monetary conditions by placing reed over windows and doors.

  • Capricon Weekly Horoscope

    Apr 17, 2023 - Apr 23, 2023 - It’s time to take care of you, Capricorn, not drop everything to take care of others during the Aries solar eclipse on Wednesday. With the new moon in your home zone, you need to nurture your inner child by creating a safe space to grow emotionally and spiritually. Allow yourself to be a kid again!

    Which means stop taking life so seriously when the sun enters Taurus on Thursday, moving into your pleasure zone. You should go out and have some fun over the next few weeks. Attend concerts with friends, revisit old hobbies, and enjoy the little pleasures of life, like a spring fling (*wink*).

    However, be careful not to overdo it when Mercury turns retrograde in your pleasure zone on Friday. It would be easy to indulge a little too much, make too big a gamble, and just be a little too lazy. Balance is key.

  • Capricon Monthly Horoscope

    April 2023

    Send some love to your inner child this month, dear Capricorn, because Aries season illuminates your solar fourth house. These vibes are perfect for indulging in activities that you loved in your youth or finally signing up for those art classes you always dreamed of pursuing. That’s right, second chances can help you find your new beginning, so don’t be afraid to follow your creative instincts. These sentiments will be accentuated once Mercury migrates into Taurus on April 3, activating the sector of your chart that governs self-expression.

    Opportunities to shine in your career can present themselves during the Libra full moon on the fifth, though you’ll want to take extra steps to showcase your talents and your ability to exist harmoniously among your colleagues. However, it will be important that you maintain a healthy work/life balance or the Universe might hold back when it comes to occupational blessings.

    Watch out for tension in your domestic life during the Aries solar eclipse on April 19, and try not to lash out if you’re feeling wound up.

    A grounding and therapeutic energy washes over you as the sun enters Taurus on the twentieth. Real-world issues could disrupt your joy due to a harsh connection with brooding Pluto that day. Avoid indulging in any retail therapy; it would be easy to deplete your resources.

    Consider returning to old projects once Mercury turns retrograde on April 21, giving you an opportunity to edit existing work, though you might want to hold off on starting any new endeavors for the next several weeks.

    Standout days: 10, 8, 24
    Challenging days: 9, 12, 14

  • Capricon Yearly Horoscope

    Capricorn horoscope for 2023 claims that the year 2023 may prove to be a year that brings the best results for Capricorn people. At the beginning of the year, the ruling lord of your zodiac, Saturn, will remain in your zodiac sign and make you courageous and bring success to you. Then Saturn will move to your second house and bless you with good financial status. Your family will expand, you'll gain financially, you'll profit from the purchase and selling of property, and you'll also succeed in purchasing a piece of land or constructing a home. Although there can be issues with the in-laws at this time, your good financial position will allow you to do numerous chores, which will boost your confidence. Venus will be in your fifth house between April 6 and May 2. Since Venus rules your fifth house, this time will also be good for children and your academic performance if you are a student.

    There could be some conflict in the house because Rahu will already be there when Jupiter enters your fourth house in April. The ruling lord of your sign Saturn will remain in a combust state between 17 June and 4 November, which could lead to some physical health problems and reduce your confidence, but other planetary positions will keep showering you with success. Between November 3 and December 25, there is a good chance that you will have excellent career success.



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